Month: May 2018

Isometric drawing software from adobe illustrator

Modern technology is tremendous, and has changed the way our children interact with the world, learn about new things, and experiment with creativity.  When I was a kid, it was all about crayons and coloring books.  However nowadays the iPad and tablets have created a way for kids to interact with information in a way that has both a bunch of positive potential (and of course negative potential, but for now let’s focus on the positive.

Firstly we have the fact that kids can now have access to books to read and consume, without needed to take them around with them to school.  I wonder if the truly “printed” word will soon be extinct.  However, I digress.  In addition to words to read, we now have access to truly visual medium that can allow children to experiment with drawing/etc.

Drawing software is truly a great advancement in the teaching of arts and crafts to students.  This is the foundation for the same visual medium that architects and construction professionals use to draft blueprints via isometric drawing software, and how graphic designers utilize programs like Photoshop and illustrator to make compelling websites and other visual medium.

It’s important to get kids exposed to the modern world of computing, but of course we have to be sure to get them exposed to the more “natural” side of things as well.


Monday – Wednesday 9 to 8
Thursday 9 to 6
Friday – Saturday 10 to 5
Sunday 2 to 5

Closed Sunday
from Memorial Day – Labor Day

Directions from 81:
Exit 109| Exit 105


The Children’s Department at RPL contains books and media for babies through 6th graders. Everyone is invited to our numerous programs – Chess Club, Pokemon Club, Build! Legos!, Family Nights, Book Clubs, Storytimes and MORE!


The Radford Public Library has, for many years, served as a place for teenagers to come after school. The “Teen Scene,” was built specifically for this age group. In addition to a liberal-sized collection of books, the young adult area also offers recorded audio books, magazines, cds, and dvds all available for check out.

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May 2018
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